Protesting liberation, supporting terror
Michelle Malkin, whose hard edge often leaves her without the credit she deserves as a very hot (but married) woman, takes up the dreary subject of this weekend's worldwide protests against the liberation of Iraq:
In New York, the "Troops Out Now Coalition" plans to march on Saturday from Harlem to Central Park to Mayor Michael Bloomberg's home to demonstrate against the "occupation." Their solution for helping the Iraqi people and demonstrating American leadership: Cut and run. Now!Well, at least I'll have something to amuse myself with this weekend. Too bad that "W" baseball cap I bought from NRO's online store doesn't fit.
You can guarantee there will not be a single sign of purple ink solidarity in sight, but the dictator-luvin' ladies of Code Pink who prance around in pastel underwear will be out in full force.
Along the way, the marchers will stop to harass workers at a local military recruiting station. Yes, these are the supposed peaceniks who derive pleasure from ripping yellow ribbon magnets off of minivans and throwing rocks through ROTC campus offices. These are the acolytes of Michael Moore, who compares Iraqi head-choppers to American Revolutionary war heroes.
"Oppose the war, support the troops"? Bull.
Organizers will also broadcast a taped message from convicted cop-killer and America-basher, Mumia Abu-Jamal. Death row diatribes are de rigueur.
In New Paltz, N.Y., the weekend anti-war festivities will be capped by a speech from Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y. -- the unhinged tin-foil hat wearer who continues to assert that White House adviser Karl Rove planted the bogus National Guard memos that Dan Rather wrapped himself in at CBS News.