United Nations lays siege to The Cocktail Hour
This blog hasn't even been rolling for a full twenty-four hours, yet the UN has already set its health and safety fascists on us like wild dogs:
Ahem! Well, this calls for some adjustmentsbefore the international booze police arrive promptly at 5:00 p.m. [The Cocktail Party staff members take turns adjusting the portrait of Winston Churchill above the mantelpiece.]
GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organization (WHO) agreed on Thursday to launch a study into ways to counter alcohol abuse in what could be the opening shot of an international campaign against excessive drinking.
Its executive board backed a resolution brought by the European Union and others calling on the head of the United Nations health agency to carry out the probe and recommend steps to combat the world's mounting drink problem, WHO officials said.
Ahem! Well, this calls for some adjustments