
Showing posts from February, 2005

Not the usual answer

More Hanson

Neuhaus on Santayana

Well, I guess they can take down the Crosses in their churches, at last

"Merchants of Despair"

John Paul II in hospital

Taking off on Moriarty naming 1789 a communist revolution

The Real Churchill, Winston

Did I mention that I like Suzanne Fields?

Coulter slices and dices the Gannon teacup tempest

Here's something startling in its clarity and uncomplicated in its theme

Quite another view of Hunter S. Thompson

It didn't start with "cutting," Michelle

Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emmanuel Leutze

Taranto delivers the bad news

Want a little taste of Euro hate?

Some of these stretch way beyond a given year

Hunter takes


Take heart, draw strength, remember honor

Denis Boyles cracks me up

Victor Davis Hanson on Middle East successes

Pope's conversations with friends to be published as book

Yalta redux

If you had any lingering doubts...

"Retire the Depression"

I was walking through the woods, I found it, now it's mine

More fallout at CBS from the Rather mess

How significant?

Jonah Goldberg does Daffy D.

Want to have a good laugh?

Million dollar bubkis*

Neumayr on the Democrats' con job

One of the toughest hounds that ever lived

The Liberal Years

The end of winter

I think I've found some theme music for Maureen Dowd

I've never liked that Christo punk

Oy vey

Matt Drudge is attempting a take-down of Chris Rock

A cold light on the Ward Churchill controversy

One mean coroner

Maybe the original is a copy too

A glimpse inside one soldier's implacable courage

God bless you, Jacoby

The eternal mystery of Foggy Bottom

Daffy Duck rides again

Man, have I been out of the hoop

I can't read Victor Davis Hanson's mind, but...

Wow, does this ever point to where the bodies are buried

The university as a grifter's paradise

The Lynne Stewart conviction

Not this again

Maureen Dowd's thong

The Happy Couple

I would ask Myrna Blyth...

And speaking of literary types

Speaking of The Maltese Falcon

The vengeful Left

John Paul II retirement speculation

Paging Aldous Huxley

Maybe I wasn't looking or listening hard enough...

And the Jack McPhillips award goes to John Derbyshire

Cosmic jokes from judges