Kerry makes it hard not to focus on him

Yeah, it's going to be difficult. The former next JFK, sitting in the House chamber last night during Bush's speech, put some bizarrely goofy expressions on his face. If you missed them, all I can say is that it wasn't my imagination. At times he looked as though he was swallowing a gallon of bad air to wash down an imaginary handful of popcorn shaped like his Yale ring. Don Imus this morning described him as looking like he couldn't decide what he should be thinking.

The Corner at NRO has this photo of Kerry from last night, which I think is actually a relatively flattering capture. There he just appears as his routine sourpuss self.

Elsewhere in the audience, Hillary Clinton, who earlier waltzed into the chamber with smiles all around, sat through the speech with a dyspeptic mug on, as though she was about to do a Bush 41 and heave all over the carpet. I suspect that her expression was geared for her adoring fans who wanted to see nothing but grossly etched disdain on her face, or else.


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