"The silence of the antiwar protestors"

Michael Lopez-Calderon, in a piece picked up by David Horowitz's FrontPage magazine, drills the astonishing hypocrisy of the "antiwar" elite. He names names:
On the eve of the historic democratic Iraqi elections, five-hundred thousand demonstrators marched in New York City’s Central Park on Saturday in a show of solidarity with Iraq’s beleaguered voters. Another two-hundred thousand marched that same day in Washington, D.C. despite the snow. Smaller but equally demonstrative marches occurred in Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Iraq’s first democratic election in fifty years was threatened by an insurgent coalition of Islamo- and Ba’athist fascists determined to destroy that nation’s fledgling democracy. Most of the American demonstrators were aware of the danger Iraqi voters faced. Marchers carried signs reading “Long Live Iraqi Democracy,” “No to Terrorist Insurgents,” “Voting Yes, Violence No,” and a creative, “Give Al-Qaeda the Purple Finger,” a reference to the purplish ink that Iraqi voters were to mark their index finger with as an anti-fraud measure. One demonstrator, dressed as Jesus, held a sign that asked “Would Jesus Bomb a Polling Station?”

Why did the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, CBS Evening News, ABC News, NBC Nightly News, Fox News Channel, NPR, C-SPAN, MSNBC, and CNN all collectively fail to report these incredible displays of solidarity with millions of Iraqi voters? Why were the marches and the nearly three-quarters of a million American demonstrators ignored by American media?

The answer is simple: There were no such solidarity marches, no massive demonstrations by those who purport so much concern for peace. Leftist, so-called “anti-war” activists like Brian Becker, Leslie Cagan, C. Clark Kissinger, Medea Benjamin, Jesse Jackson, Ramsey Clark, and Clara Webb were all but invisible, and their “anti-war” organizations like Win Without War, Not In Our Name, International ANSWER, International Action Center, Code Pink, National Youth and Student Peace Coalition, The Rainbow Coalition, were nowhere to be found or heard. Martin Sheen, Sean Penn, Jessica Lange, and the Hollywood Left Coast elites were missing in action. Where were the youthful collegiate sycophants of Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, William Blum, Ward Churchill, the readers of The Nation, Mother Jones, The Progressive, the web-nuts of Moveon.org and DemocraticUnderground.com as well as the collectivist publicists of Boston’s South End Press? Missing…without a trace.

Where were the Deaniacs, those mindless youthful harbingers of the demise of the former Democratic Party, now known as the Party of Obscenely Obsessive Pessimists© or P.O.O.P.? Where were the feminists of N.O.W. and similar organizations? Iraqi female voters were threatened by Al-Qaeda’s murderer-in-residence, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi with slaughter and their children faced threats of public beheadings if their mothers voted, and somehow, American feminists managed not a word of empathy. I am woman…hear me snore.


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