Taranto delivers the bad news
He's probably the guy to do it, but it ain't pretty (first item):
If the ever prickly John McCain is ruled out as being ever prickly, and Jeb Bush because he has just a little too much name recognition, it eventually comes down to my choice: Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania. He beats Hillary in all the red states. He holds the pro-life vote, the Christian evangelicals, and the Catholics. Plus, he has a chance to win his own beefy blue state. He's also fairly young, and is by far a better speaker than Hillary.
It's early yet, but at this point we'd say the most likely next president of the United States is Hillary Clinton. We're not saying the odds of a Clinton presidency are higher than 50%, just that they're higher than for any other individual.Republicans, including the current president and his chief strategist Karl Rove, should be looking for the right candidate to run in 2008. It can't be Condi Rice because she is pro-choice on abortion and that would destroy the GOP coalition. Same goes for Rudy Giuliani. Pro-life voters will stay home.
If the ever prickly John McCain is ruled out as being ever prickly, and Jeb Bush because he has just a little too much name recognition, it eventually comes down to my choice: Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania. He beats Hillary in all the red states. He holds the pro-life vote, the Christian evangelicals, and the Catholics. Plus, he has a chance to win his own beefy blue state. He's also fairly young, and is by far a better speaker than Hillary.